Embrace the bumps

“I love this bump!” That’s what I heard as I stepped out my front door door. Two little girls were riding their bikes. They gleefully manoeuvred so they could hit the bump just so. Ah, yes, the bump.

That bump is caused by tree roots pushing up through the asphalt. Over the last few years, it has inched upward. Mother Nature is one powerful lady. That bump reminds me of the sad state of our roads. Then, I get annoyed. Yet, on this beautiful spring day, that bump was bringing so much joy to these girls.

I guess it’s true. It’s all about perspective. This got me thinking. How many times have I thought of things as a pain or an inconvenience? How many times have I become impatient or even annoyed by these things? Could I shift my perspective and maybe approach things differently?

It’s easy to get sucked into negativity. Life can be stressful. I aim to be grateful and positive. To look on the bright side of things. Most of the time, I succeed. Then, there are those times where self-pity, stress or exhaustion take over and wham! At those times, I get easily annoyed and very impatient. Then the pity party starts

An occasional pity party is not necessarily bad! But, self-pity never lasts long. I don’t have time for self-pity. How do I stay positive? Here are my favourite ways to keep smiling even as I hit those proverbial and literal bumps in the road.

5 things that keep me positive:

  1. Get moving. I know. I know. Who’s got time to work out when there’s SO MUCH to do. Here’s the thing: investing even 15 minutes a day to move makes a huge difference. Your serotonin levels go up. Then, magically, you start to feel better. It doesn’t have to be complicated. A walk outside does wonders for the soul. Moving is even better with…
  2. Friends! Friends make the tough times bearable and the good times unforgettable. Feeling down? Call up a buddy and go for a walk or a coffee.
  3. Practicing mindfulness. I’m new at this, but I’m amazed at how quickly this works. It’s about being mindful of your surroundings and your feelings. Notice how you feel right now. How does your body feel? Are you warm? Cold? Tired? Take all the sensations in. Don’t judge, just observe.
  4. Learning something new. This one came by chance. I have enrolled in a writing course at Concordia. Doing my assignments for the course has given me a burst of energy. I’m really enjoying the process. I’m learning something new and I’ve met some really nice people. So, what are you waiting for? What have you always wanted to learn?
  5. Sleep! Yes, sleep. Getting enough sleep is a must. Those who are sleep deprived can suffer in a number of ways (http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/10-results-sleep-loss#1)  Sleep can be elusive. This is true at every age. Stress, hormones and socializing can get in the way of a good night’s sleep. If you need help, speak with your doctor.

I saw the girls again today. They are still riding their bikes over the most exciting thing on the street: a literal bump in the road.  Hearing the girls talk about the bump made think that I want to ride my bike over it. Instead of complaining about it, I’m going to enjoy the bump. It’s all about perspective.

  1. What an insightful blog! Excellent advice. Life will throw you some bumps and curves in the road for sure at some point; you can’t control that. I have found meditation to be very helpful also; especially to help me sleep when practicing for a few minutes right before I go to bed. You are right, reality is perspective!

    1. Thank you Sandra! Like you, I’m also a big fan of meditation. It’s a great way to end the day. 🙂

  2. where was your cover photo taken? looks a lot like the headwaters of the Colorado river that I’ve been to….

    1. It was taken in the Eastern Townships on Mont Orford. A beautiful place for a hike 🙂

  3. Great, practical steps to stay “in flow”.

  4. Sonia, love this post! Love the conversation about gratitude. It’s easy to be grateful for life’s typical gifts, but even more cool to be grateful for the less than obvious. Life is always richer with bumps in the road. It’s how we learn and mature – and as you’ve observed and shared, they can also be fun. Thanks for the post, keep on sharing! 🙂

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