summer clouds

Letter to my 40 year old self

Have you ever wanted to write a letter to your younger self? What advice would you give yourself? I’ve thought about this lately. I recently had a birthday, not one of the milestone ones, but something about this birthday made me stop, look back and think “damn, I wish someone had told me some things.”

vegetarian, sweet potatoes, dinner, avocado, black beans

Plant based eating – six months later

Next week, I get my cholesterol levels checked again. I’m feeling a little nervous about this. I’m hoping the numbers improve from January. At the start of the year, I gave up eating meat. I did this with the intention of lowering my cholesterol levels. I was frustrated. I eat healthy food, I exercise, but

Solitude vs loneliness

I love spending time alone. It recharges me. Being away from people and technology leaves me feeling peaceful. After spending time alone, I go back to my routine feeling like I’ve got a new lease on life. Craving solitude was a big motivator for me to walk part of the Camino in 2016. Yet, when

Embrace the bumps

“I love this bump!” That's what I heard as I stepped out my front door door. Two little girls were riding their bikes. They gleefully manoeuvred so they could hit the bump just so. Ah, yes, the bump. That bump is caused by tree roots pushing up through the asphalt. Over the last few years, it has inched

Memories of mom

On Mother’s Day, my son Matthew found my mom’s eyeglasses while he was emptying an old toy box. As soon as I saw the glasses, memories came flooding back. My mom died 16 years ago this month. All these years later, I still miss her so much. After she died, I missed hearing her voice,

Transitions and new beginnings

Spring is a time for renewal, transitions, new beginnings. So, even though it’s still unseasonably cold and the snow refuses to melt, my two oldes kids are starting some exciting new adventures.  Following his dream The oldest boy told us this week that he was applying to join the Forces Reserve. This young man has